Quick set up
mkdir ~/vagrant cd ~/vagrant vagrant box add hashicorp/precise32 http://files.vagrantup.com/precise32.box vagrant init hashicorp/precise32 vagrant up
cd ~/vagrant vagrant ssh
in 'vagrant ssh'
On peut avoir à lancer un truc la première fois, genre
sudo ./postinstall.sh
... do your stuff ...
other commands
cd ~/vagrant vagrant box list
Browser internet
Entrer dans vagrant avec
vagrant ssh -- -X
sudo apt-get install dbus-x11 et installer n'importe quel logiciel dedans
Passwordless sudo
This is important!. Many aspects of Vagrant expect the default SSH user to have passwordless sudo configured. This lets Vagrant configure networks, mount synced folders, install software, and more.
To begin, some minimal installations of operating systems don't even include sudo by default. Verify that you install sudo in some way.
After installing sudo, configure it (usually using visudo) to allow passwordless sudo for the "vagrant" user. This can be done with the following line at the end of the configuration file:
vagrant ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL Additionally, Vagrant doesn't use a pty or tty by default when connected via SSH. You'll need to make sure there is no line that has requiretty in it. Remove that if it exists. This allows sudo to work properly without a tty. Note that you can configure Vagrant to request a pty, which lets you keep this configuration. But Vagrant by default doesn't do this.
Vagrant et Apache
www-data a les droits pour exécuter docker mais ça ne fonctionne pas j'ai changé dans /etc/apache2/envvars et essayé avec sudoers... marche pas
sudo apache2ctl restart
yeah ! cf. http://askubuntu.com/a/147065
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