Emacs bindings
représenté la toucheMeta
, souventAlt
sur les claviers- Menu : <
> - Regarder les options du menu 'Options'
pour n'importe quelle macro (<> pour compléter) M-x tuareg-mode
M-x package-refresh-contents
M-x package-install
, puis le nom du package
- Liste des raccourcis :
C h-m
File History
""" https://stackoverflow.com/a/16147575 If you just want to save the minibuffer history between emacs invocations you can put the following in your .emacs:
(savehist-mode 1)
Unlike the desktop package that can save all your open buffers across invocations, this does just the minibuffer history (e.g. when opening a file you can use the up arrow to navigate the list of files you opened in a previous session). """